Details for a Day
$1760.00 USD
Details For or a Day services provide you with professional advice and guidance from us, your personal interior designer.
Details for a Day can be used for anything from an FF&E day to a day choosing furnishings.
The choice is yours!
Let us to help you with the parts of the project that can be SO overwhelming!
One day with us will help SAVE you TIME, MONEY & MISTAKES!
Details for a Day is great for renovation projects or decorating projects.
It's YOUR DAY for what YOU need!
This package is for you if:
You are updating and you want to make sure that everything works together.
Your contractor is asking for your finish selections and you have no idea where to even start!
OR If you have a room in your home that needs to be pulled together and/or finished off.
With Details for a Day you get Wendy and Lyn for up to 6 hours, in person shopping, selecting and designing for YOU.
We will go to some of our favorite spots based on what YOU are looking for.
We can choose furniture, decor, rugs, and lighting for a single room in your home
We can choose tile, plumbing fixtures, flooring, etc.
Depending on what YOUR project is.
With this package you will get:
A 30 minute zoom call to go over and see your project.
For renovation clients:
You will go home with a complete list of selections, that you know go together, ready to hand to your contractor.
For decorating clients:
You will go home with a floorplan that works for your room, a color plan for the space AND furniture and decor that works in your space, PLUS instructions for where to place each item.
Let's DO this!